SHADES - Paris 2022

Photographie, design editorial, design graphique

Editions SHADES invites you to develop your creativity and imagination through collective and artistic encounters.

The medium encourages you to rediscover your inner child, full of imagination and curiosity. This inner child wonders, observes and draws images... It constantly stimulates your imagination and creativity. By bringing together the SHADES collection of books, you can give your sensory memory a workout, rediscovering and creating memories by connecting with others.

Colors leave a personal mark on us; behind a color, we can associate all kinds of thoughts or moments in our lives. With these different color charts, textures and shapes, more or less abstract, you can work your senses and rediscover memories, smells and images from the distant past. Exploring what we associate with colors is not only a way of getting to know ourselves better, but also a powerful way of showing others who we are. Come together to complete the SHADES stories* and create creative, collective compositions.